Test results…

I had a CT scan two weeks ago tomorrow and I was playing tag with the office trying to get the darn results from that scan this last week. They had told me 2-3 days for results, not almost two weeks! I received a message a little bit ago today from my doctor that read…………………………….
Hi, sorry for the delay, it usually takes a few days from the CT done to get the report!
Blood work came out NL except had borderline elevated sugar – I don’t thisnk it was done fasting and is should be ok.
The CT shows having ovarian cysts on oth sides but on the R side is larger. The CT is otherwise pretty NL.
Do you have a GYN physician who manages the cysts or if not I need to set you up to get pelvic u/s to take a better look at the cysts and see what else we may need to do about it.
Please let me know
Rassekh, MD

I had the scan done because I had a lot of blood in my urine and an MRI showed something on my right kidney. So, why is there nothing about the kidney but things about ovarian cysts? I haven’t even been to a GYN doctor since 2006 that was when I had my last PAP smear and I had never had one come back bad anyway, but now I am wondering what roll the cysts are playing in my chronic pain, etc.

I woke today with a crushing headache. I have had this happen before but usually it will go away after an hour or two. Not today, it is still with me and I just can’t seem to get control of it. It feels like my head is splitting open between both of my temples and behind my eyes. This prevented me from getting anything done today and I also took over a two hour nap. Yet, the splitting headache is still here along with the horrible pain I have in my neck and the pain in my low back, hips and feet.

My psychiatrist started me on a medication called Trileptal and he said it was to stabilize my mood. I feel screwed up in my head about an hour after I take it and if I take it near bedtime I cannot sleep. I looked it up and it is yet another anti seizure medication and everyone of them I have been put on either causes my depression to become worse or I get horribly sick from them.

Today started out badly with the splitting headache, then ‘B’ got up and wanted to take a shower and when I told him I had just got up and had a horrible crushing headache he went off on me saying that I wasn’t going to let him take a shower. I never said that and I am super confused over the entire thing.it would be so nice to just have one day where someone was supportive of me!

Chalking today up as a bad day and hoping tomorrow is a much better one………….

One thought on “Test results…

  1. Grainne says:

    Aw yuck…a headache is always the worst way to start the day for me. I hope it let up eventually and didn’t follow you around all day. (Was this from this morning…maybe I’m all messed up on timing).

    The meds making you feel strange…sometimes it’s just the adjustment period. I used to have to wait until I got to work to take all of my meds but after a month or two things leveled out. I always just considered that my ‘braindead’ time and worked around it. Never easy though, I know.

    The CT is rather confusing. Maybe the doc who referred didn’t put much info in the referral? It happens a lot here and the tech will just look for anything abnormal in the area. The good news is, (probably) if there was anything wrong with your kidney it would have been noticed. Still, I’d ask for a reason behind the odd results. An ovarian cyst wouldn’t cause blood in your urine, would it?

    Sometimes I hate medical care more than the diseases they try to cure. xox Hope today is a better one for you, my friend. xo

Any possitive comments are welcome.